Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He still says "tray" like "tway" though

Ya'll'll just die of shock when you here this. My little, baby brother just turned eight! That means he is officially a big kid!


A schedule of our morning:

7:30 Wake up with Eeyore screaming into my ear that it's Roo's birthday and time to wake up. 8:00 After dragging ourselves out of bed, we eat doughnuts for breakfast. Very substantial. Roo opens his present from us. A Clone Walker. He is a major Star Wars Lego fan!

Went to Bible Study. We have some friends there who brought Roo a present and cupcakes. So sweet!

Roo says:

"Umm, Grandma Gee Gee and Grandma Debbie and Gramppa Val, thank you for my birthday money!"

"Thank you for the Hail fighter droid and Spider Droid, friends!"

"Thank you, Auntie Missa, Uncle Howard and Kathewin (Katherine)!"